The Currituck County NC Taylor Family Research of the late Ruth Rickert
Ruth Rickert was a descendant of the Currituck County Taylors, as am I. She and I worked together and compared notes on our Taylor ancestors. Ruth left a book - the cover which is at the left - of her Taylor ancestors. It is roughly fifty pages, is indexed - and a portion of it is her conjecture about the earlier Taylors in Currituck County,, with rich detail, we well as the recent generations of her family.
She also did a descendants chart of the earliest Taylors trying to piece the Taylors together - given that there are missing deed records for a generation, and an 1842 Courthouse fire that took marriage records from the earlier days. On this page, I am posting first her chart - and then the pages of her book - so that Currituck researchers can benefit from her research. Ruth passed away in 2014 at the age of 96.