John (J. W.) Christensen - Lizzie Virgin and children, of Denmark; Leonardville, Kansas; and Oklahoma

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The Sixth Child of Hans and Christiane (John - A Twin with the Fifth Child, Chris)John Christensen – Chris' twin John was shown with the family in Danish records, passenger records, and with the family in early censuses in Kansas and Wisconsin.  He married in 1892 in Kansas, moved to northern  Oklahoma, where he and his wife began their family – then moved to a second place in Oklahoma, where John died in 1903, leaving a widow and four children under the age of nine.


In the earliest record references in which he is named, he is shown as Jorgan J. Christensen.  By the time of his 1890 letter to sister Ida, he is known as John. W. (or J. W.) Christensen, and listed that way was married within months of Chris by the same minister.  The letter lists his return address as Riley, and that is the city listed on his marriage record. 


Chris mentioned in an 1895 letter that John is in “Oklahomy” on a farm.  John is shown in 1900 census records as John W. Christensen with Lizzie in Oklahoma – and that entry shows that John immigrated in 1872, the year the Christensens arrived in America. 


There is a 1903 obituary for him in Oklahoma, and it lists him as J. W. Christensen – and he is listed as a harness shop proprietor, the same occupation he had with Chris in Leonardville.  Chris’ 1949 obituary mentions that his brother John had a harness shop in Riley and “died early in life”.


Lizzie is later shown in the Long Beach, California area living initially with Fred Christensen, her brother-in-law, whom she actually was married to for a period of time in California – making the final link between this John and the rest of the Christensens.


I have met with John’s great-grandson and his wife, who live in the Santa Cruz area, and who had at least one of the same family photos that I have from the 1880’s.


When I was not sure that this John was our John, there were a couple of things in public records that didn’t exactly match – John is 25 in 1892 when he’s married – instead of 27 – and the 1900 census listing states John’s birth place as Sweden – even though in the 1910 census his surviving children list their father’s birth country as Denmark.  But everything else fits, and parts of the family’s story can be filled in.


Record Entries for John.  John is shown in the Torslunde church records as Jorgen Joan Christensen, born on December 9, 1864.  He is shown in the 1870 census in Torlsunde with his parents as Jorgen Johan, 5.  He is shown in the passenger listing of the Christensen family arriving in North America in 1872 as “Jorgan J.”, 7. 


John is shown with his family in the 1875 census in Pottawatomie County as Jno., 10.  He is shown as 15 in the 1880 census in Wisconsin, and is listed in that entry as John.  He is shown with his brothers Chris and Henry and his mother in Leonardville in the 1885 Kansas state census as age 19 and a painter – when his first name is listed with just the initial “J”.


The W. Sykes story on Chris' death mentions John and implies that he died early in life: “About the year, 1886, he and his mother, with a twin brother, John, a younger brother, Henry, and a younger sister [Ida Kate], came to Leonardville.  This was before the Rock Island was built through Riley or the Blue Valley, through Randolph, and Leonardville was a lively country town with about seven general stores.


Chris and his twin brother John bought the harness shop owned by a man by the name of Swagerty, who had opened the first harness shop in our town.  Their first business however, here was to open a roller skating rink.  Roller skating was very popular at the time.  They built a small house into which their mother moved.  In a few years the Rock Island was built and his brother John opened a harness shop at Riley.  He died early in life, however.”


There are four photos of John taken in Kansas passed down through the family.  One of them states that Chris and John were twins, one was with his mother, and brothers Henry and Chris, and another had written on it (presumably by Ida Kate) the listing “Brother John”. 


Riley Co DB 47, pp. 331-32.  Lambert Erpelding and Amelia his wife, both of the City of Chicago in the County of Cook, Illinois to John and Christian Christensen, both of the town of Leonard (sic – there are a number of deeds that refer to Leonardville this way), County of Riley, State of Kansas.  June 21, 1884.  Fifty dollars.  Lot 11 in Block number 24 in the town of Leonard, County of Riley and in the state of Kansas.  Signed by Lambert Erpelding and Amelia Erpelding.  Lambert and Amelia Erpelding appeared in front of Joseph W. Nockin, Notary Public, Cook County, Illinois.


Riley Co DB 48, pp. 430-31.  Leonard F. Smith and Helen L. Smith his wife of the City and County of Leavenworth, State of Kansas to J. and C. Christensen of the County of Riley State of Kansas.  November 3, 1884.  Forty dollars.  Lot number 9 in Block twenty-nine in the Town of Leonard, State of Kansas.  Signed by Leonard F. Smith and Helen L. Smith.  The Smiths appeared in front of W. E. Thomas, Notary Public.  Filed for record, March 4, 1885.


Riley Co DB 47, p. 438.  Lambert Erpelding and Amelia his wife of Riley County to John Christensen and Chris Christensen of Riley County.  February 25, 1885.  Fifty dollars.  Lot number 7 in Block number 29 in the town of Leonard, Riley County.  Signed by Lambert Erpelding and Amalia Erpelding.  On March 3, 1885 Lambert Erpelding and Amalia Erpelding appeared in front of J. H. Jankins, Notary Public.  Filed for record March 4, 1885.


Riley Co DB 50, pp. 95-96.  J. and C. Christensen, unmarried men of Riley County, State of Kansas to M. L. Howarth and J. D. Mathews of Riley County.  October 31, 1885.  Eighty dollars.  Lot 11 in Block 24 in the City of Leonardville subject to a mortgage of one hundred and fifty dollars.  Signed by John Christensen and Chris Christensen.  J. H. Jenkins, Notary Public affirms that the Christensens are personally known to him.  Filed for Record, November 2, 1885.


There is an article in the Leonardville Monitor of Thursday August 29, 2889 about Chris and his brother John: “The Christensen Bros., John and Chris, have just purchased a farm in Ness County in this state.  And while we are on the subject we desire to remark that the boys are rustlers, and are full of business.  They have been in Leonardville about five years, and none of this time has they been idle and out of a job.  They now own a good business house in town, a photograph gallery, which is located in the upper story of their building a half interest in a harness shop in Leonardville, which is conducted in their own building, and a half interest in a shop at Riley.  Chris has a good situation as clerk in one of our dry goods houses and John conducts the harness business at Riley.  They are building up a good business at both towns, as they are industrious and economical, and above all honest and straight forward to all their business transactions, and have the confidence of the people.  They are making money by hard work and close attention to business, and are investing what they can save in something that will not take wings and fly away.  They are young men, and being twins it is not to be wondered at that they work so well together.  In fact they are so much alike in looks and actions that it takes long and close acquaintance to be able to tell them apart.  The MONITOR is pleased to note the evidences of prosperity in their cases, an hopes it may continue.”


There is an 1890 letter from John to Ida Kate.  The third page of this letter has a letterhead of “Moffet & Christensen, Manufacturers of Harness and Saddlery, Dealers in A General Line of Horse Goods Repairing Promptly Done.  Collars, Whips, Blankets, Bridles, Robes, Etc.  Leonardville, Riley, Kas. 18__.”  The letter reads: “Riley Feb 27(?)/90


Dear Sister Ida:


I read your letter about a week ago but have had no time to answer as yet. We are awful busy in the Harness Shop now I have been working over night for a long time. We are running the 2 shops together and have 2 men to work for us. One is a young man learning the trade. The other man we pay $40 a month till the spring trade is over. You said you wrote to use before Christmas but I have not recd(?) any letter from you. Mother is as well as usual. The Lagripe(?) has been bad here but we have not had it at our house. The winter has been fine here we had a little snow here just enough have a few days good sleigh ride. I tell you we enjoyed too. My girl was in Riley to attend a singing school they had here, and I take her home in a cutter(?) and we tipped over three times before we got home. "Of course, she would fall over on my side." You asked if we had peaches last. "I should say we did." They couldn't sell them here. There was no mony, and apples was plenty also. If we have many this year I shall send you a lot. Mother was glad to get some thing from you she said that you were the only one that thought of her from home. "Well Ida," when you have the time you send me a painting a large one that I can fraim (sic) never mind the cost you can send it by Express, or mail it and I can pay you when I recd (sic) it.


You ask how the times in her. Well I should think they were good, corn went from 60 to 90 to the case and oats 30 to 60. Wheat 25 to 50 but prices is low here on ever(sic) thing but many seems to be ??? there. They are going to have a big Masquerade Ball at Leonardville to morrow night at the Expilding(?) Hall. I and Jim Colt will get up from here I think there is going to be a big crowd out. Have you not heard from me since I came down here, I tell you there is a lively little town better than Leonard. Lots of pretty little girls here. My girl lives 5 miles west. You remember Mary Evans dont you. Well it is her sister that I am going with now. She is a nise(sic) little girl if I do say it myself. As for getting married I can not tell you yet. But will let you know in time.


Chris and my self and both of our girls went down to Uncle Christensen last Christmas and we had a splendid time and we went up to Olsburg to a Christmas Tree and brake drum caneing home, Cousin Mary is teaching school out near my girls home she is going to school to her so I see her every week. The boys are all stuck on Mary. Out where she is teaching she gets her mail at this place. 


They are having a big protracted meeting there(?) and we are have a big time see the girls home from church.  They are building a nice big church at Leonard.  It is going to be a dazy(?).  We had a letter from Chas.  He is going to start a Butcher(?) shop of his own some where  He did not tell when he has got $100 of us(?)  Perhaps he is going to get married.  Well I must close.  Regards to Jim.  Your Brother, J. W. Christensen.”


Riley Co DB 64, pp. 72-73.  Hendrick S. Lungren and Sophie Lungren his wife of Riley County, State of Kansas to C. A. Christensen and J. W. Christensen of Riley County, State of Kansas.  November 20, 1890.  Two thousand dollars.  The west half of the north quarter of Section 6, Township 9, Range 6.  Eighty acres.  Signed by Hendrick S. Lungren and Sopha Lungren.  The Lungrens appear in front of T. B. Elliott, Notary Public on August 9, 1891.  Filed for record November 20, 1891.


Riley Co DB 77, p. 355.  James D. Beatty, a single man, of Riley County to J. W. Christensen of Riley County.  December 22, 1890.  Twenty-five dollars.  Lots fourteen and fifteen in Block Five in the town of Union.  Signed by James O. Beatty.  J. R. Strong, Notary Public certifies that James O. Beatty is the one who executed the deed.  Filed May 7, 1894 by A. G. Cress.


There are further references to John in other letters.  An 1891 letter, probably from Henry, mentions that John is still running a harness shop in Riley even though Chris and John had sold their building in Leonardville.  The same letter states that Chris and John were in Kansas City “to the fair”.


There is a marriage record for J. W. Christensen and Lizzie E. Virgin in Riley County records, states that they got married on May 18, 1892.  J. W. Christensen is shown as age 25 and of Riley and Lizzie Virgin is shown as 17 and also of Riley.  The ceremony was performed by E. H. Taylor, Minister of the Gospel (the same minister who married his brother Chris), and was attested to by John A. Robertson, probate judge.


[There is a J. C. Christensen from Leonardville who was shown to have attended Kansas State Agricultural College in 1894.  It is unclear that it is John, as the middle initial C. does not show up anywhere else.  It could well be John Cornelius, the son of Niels.]


Riley Co DB 67, pp. 640.  W. A. Swagerty and N. A. Swagerty his wife in the County of Clay State of Kansas to the Christensen Bros.  July 24, 1893.  Nine hundred and fifty dollars.  Lot Twenty-Six in Block Sixteen of Leonardville.  Signed by W. A. Swagerty and N. A. Swagerty.  The Swagertys appeared in front of A. M. Story, Notary Public.  Filed for Record March 16, 1894.


Riley Co DB 77, p. 232.  John W. Christensen and Lizzie E. Christensen his wife of Riley County to M. Cockerel of Riley County.  December 26, 1893.  One hundred dollars.  Lots 9, 10, 11, and 12, in Block Fifty-Six in the Town of Riley.  Signed by John W. Christensen and Lizzie E. Christensen.  John and Lizzie appear in front of J. W. Lowdermilk on December 26.  Filed January 8, 1894, attest, A. G. Cress, Register of Deeds.


Riley Co DB 77, p. 354.  J. W. Christensen and Lizzie his wife of Riley County to Zackariah Williams of Riley County.  February 9, 1894.  Eleven dollars.  Lots fourteen and fifteen in block five in the Town of Union.  Signed by J. W. Christensen and Lizzie E. Christensen.  J. W. Lowdermilk notary public certifies that the Christensens are the ones who executed the deed.  Filed May 7, 1894 by A. G. Cress.


Riley Co DB 77, p. 308. John W. Christensen and Lizzie E. Christensen his wife of Riley County to C. A. Christensen of Riley County.  February 24, 1894.  One hundred dollars. Lot twenty-six in Block Sixteen in Leonardville. 

Signed by John W. Christensen and Lizzie E. Christensen.  John and Lizzie appear in front of O. L. Peterson, Notary Public on June 8, 1897.  Filed March 16, 1894, attest, A. G. Cress, Register of Deeds.


Chris’ letter in 1895 to Ida includes the statement: “John is in Oklyhoma (sic) on a farm. I think he is doing well.”  That means that by 1895 John was in Oklahoma.


Riley Co DB 81, p. 92.  John W. Christensen and Lizzie E. Christensen his wife of Riley County, Kansas to J. F. Pumphrey of Riley County.  December 11, 1895.  One thousand dollars.  Lot 16 of Block 30 in Riley Town.  Signed by John W. Christensen and Lizzie E. Christensen.  J. W. Lowdermilk, Notary Public certifies that the Christensens executed the deed. 


Riley Co DB 81, p. 197.  Charles Bugle and Minnie Bugle, his wife of Riley County, Kansas to J. W. Christensen of Riley County.  December 11, 1895.  Four hundred fifty dollars.  Lot 12 of Block 38 in Riley Town.  Signed by Charles Bugle and Minnie Bugle.  J. W. Lowdermilk, Notary Public certifies that the Bugles executed the deed.


Riley Co DB 81, p. 198.  W. H. Dugan and Mary J Dugan, his wife of Riley County, Kansas to John W. Christensen of Riley County.  April 21, 1896.  Two hundred fifty dollars.  Lot 8 of Block 4 in Riley Center.  Signed by W. H. Dugan and Mary J. Dugan.  H. A. Ames, Notary Public certifies that the Dugans executed the deed.


Riley Co DB 81, p. 199.  Fred Oetinger (?) and Minnie Oetinger (husband and wife) of Riley County, Kansas to J. W. Christensen of Riley County.  April 21, 1896.  One hundred dollars.  The north twenty-one feel of Lot 5 of Block 38 in the Town of Riley.  The grantors herein using the coal and wood house and buggy house now on said lot to be removed within one year of this date.  Signed by Fred Oetinger and Minnie Oetinger.  H. A. Ames, Justice of the Peace certifies that the Oetingers executed the deed.


There’s an item in the Leonardville Monitor of August 20, 1896: “J. W. Christensen returned from Oklahoma Tuesday morning.  While in the territory he sold his claim.  The amount received was $1200. – Regent.”


There’s an item in the Leonardville Monitor of April 14, 1898: “J. W. Christensen, of New Kirk, Okla., was in town the first of the week.”


John and Lizzie are shown in the 1900 census in the Third Ward of New Kirk (Newkirk?), Kay County, Oklahoma, in an entry taken on June 15, 1900.  Shown is John W. Christensen 33, a harness maker born in December 1866 in Sweden with both his parents born in Sweden.  He is shown as immigrating in 1872 and living in the United States twenty-eight years.  Also shown is Lizzie, wife, 25, born in May 1875 in Illinois with the birth states of her parents listed as “Un.” or unknown.  They are shown as having been married eight years, and she is shown as having had two children, with two living in 1900.  With them are two children, both born in Oklahoma with their father born in Sweden and their mother in Illinois – Seri, son, 5, born in August 1894 and Leon, son, 3, born in September 1897.


There is an Oklahoma land tract record for John W. Christensen in Volume 53 T3N, R17W, Section 27.  It appears to be the NE part of the tract, the part of the section was listed as S2SW4S2SE4.  160 acres.  Purchase money $14; the name of purchaser was listed as John W. Christensen, the date of purchase was listed as December 16, 1901.  The number of receipt and certificate of purchase was 7513S.  To whom patented was listed as Com CE 2109, September 17, 1903, Lawton.  I also obtained the actual land patent, which is in Volume 183, p. 132 – whereas John W. Christensen of Kiowa County where full payment has been made in the land office of Lawton, Oklahoma by John W. Christensen for the south half of the south west quarter and the south half of the south east quarter of section twenty seven in township three North, of Range seventeen west of Indiana Meridian in Oklahoma, containing one hundred and sixty acres.  Signed in the name of Theodore Roosevelt on July 2, 1904 by F. M McKean, secretary and C. H. Brush, Recorder of the Genera Land Office.


In the Manhattan Nationalist of Thursday, May 21, 1903 is a Riley County property transaction summarized: John W. Christensen and wife to F. C. Otto – n 21 ft lot 5 block 38 w d $425.


John appears to have died in 1903: “From The Snyder Signal-Star published at Snyder, Kiowa County, Oklahoma.


Friday, December 25, 1903



One of Snyder’s most energetic business men, JOHN W. CHRISTENSEN, died at his home in the southwest part of town Monday night and was buried Wednesday afternoon.[Note, Monday would have been December 21, 1903.]


Mr. Christensen was the proprietor of the Snyder Harness Shop and was a steady, well to do, and highly esteemed gentleman. He moved to town from his farm a few weeks ago and for the past month, has been battling with the dread typhoid monster which was trying to drag him down but only gave up and went to bed a week before his death.


He leaves a wife and four little children who will miss him more than words can express.


Mr. Christensen was a member of both Masonic and Odd Fellows and was buried with Odd Fellow honors from the Presbyterian Church; REV. SHANKS preaching an appropriate and touching sermon.


All the business houses were closed during the funeral services as a token of the respect with which he was regarded in Snyder business circles.”


Lizzie is shown in the 1910 census in Mountain Park, Kiowa, Oklahoma in an entry taken on April 19, 1910.  Head is Ora Bramlett, 37, in his second marriage, an auctioneer born in Indiana with both his parents born in Kentucky; with Lizzie, 35, in her second marriage, with “none” as her occupation, born in Illinois with her father born in Illinois and her mother in Iowa.  They are shown as married three years, and she is shown as having had five children, with five living in 1910.  The four older children are shown as born in Oklahoma with their father born in Denmark and their mother in Illinois – and all with the surname Bramblett – Serl, 15; Leon, 12; Marie, 9; and Leroy, 7.  The fifth child is Verle, daughter, 1, born in Oklahoma with her father born in Indiana and her mother in Illinois.  It is clear that the four children that were listed in John’s 1903 obituary are the four in this entry – and that Lizzie remarried about 1907.


Ora and Lizzie are shown in Mountain Park, Kiowa County, Oklahoma, in an entry taken on January 17, 1920.  Shown are Ora Bramblett, 49, a general sales auctioneer born in Indiana with both his parents shown as born in the United States; with Lizzie, 43, wife, born in Illinois with her father born in Illinois and her mother in Iowa.  They are shown with four children – two of them were clearly Lizzie’s from the second marriage, both shown as born in Oklahoma with their father born in Indiana and their mother in Illinois – Verle, daughter, 11; and Junior, 8, son.  Also in the entry were two step children (also only one was marked that way because of an error), both born in Oklahoma with their father born in Denmark and their mother in Illinois – Marie, 19, stepdaughter; and Leon, 22, with “Christensen” written in the line that would indicate relationship.


Frederick C. Christensen is listed in the 1925 Long Beach City Directory, residing at 711 E. 5th with Lizzie E. Christensen.  She is shown living at 1908 Junipero Ave through the 1945 directories, alone.  That matches the census entry below.


Elizabeth Christensen is shown in the 1930 census at 5519 W. Rosecrans in Lawndale Precincts in Inglewood Township, Los Angeles County, California in an entry taken on April 7, 1930.  Elizabeth Christensen, head, Renter, 54, divorced, none as her occupation, born in Illinois with her father born in Illinois and her mother in Iowa.


Lizzie is shown in the 1940 census at 1908 Junipero in Signal Hill, Los Angeles County, California, in an entry taken on April 22, 1940.  Lizzie is shown as 64, widowed, a salesperson in a grocery store, born in Illinois.


[Lizzie’s former husband Ora is shown with a sister in the 1940 census in Baca County, Colorado – age 68 and widowed.  Yet the widowed doesn’t seem to match other records. Ora Bramblett is shown in Fairmount Cemetery in Denver, Denver County, Colorado – born in 1872 and buried (not died) May 11 1953.


One of the two children of Ora and Lizzie was Verla, born ca 1908.  There is a California death record for Verla A. Goss, born in Oklahoma on July 20, 1908 and died on June 15, 1984 in Ventura County.  Her father’s surname was listed as Bramblett and her mother’s as Virgin.]


Lizzie E. Christensen is shown as having died on April 2, 1950 in Santa Cruz, California.  She was shown as born in Illinois on May 7, 1875, and her mother’s maiden name was Hall. 


There was an obituary for Lizzie in the Santa Cruz Sentinel News of April 4, 1950: “Christensen – In Santa Cruz, April 2, 1950.  Lizzie E. Christensen, age 74 years, native of Illinois.  Mother of Marie Thrash of Santa Cruz, Verla Waltrip of Gardena, John J. Christensen of Idyllwilde, Calif. And Leroy Bramblett of Mountain Center; also survived by 11 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren. 


Services will be conducted at White’s chapel, 138 Walnut Ave., Wednesday April 5 at 2 p.m., with Rev. Norman Snow officiating.  Interment in I.O.O.F. Cemetery.  Friends are respectfully invited to attend.”


The children of John and Lizzie Christensen.  John’s 1903 obituary lists that four young children survive him.  In the 1910 census, Lizzie is with a second husband – and shows four children from John: Serl (Karl?), 15 (born ca 1895); Leon, 12 (born ca 1898); Marie, 9 (born ca 1901); and Leroy, 7 (born ca 1903).


Serl Christensen – oldest child of John and Lizzie, according to the 1900 census born in August 1894 and shown again with Lizzie in the 1910 census at age fifteen.


Leon Christensen – second oldest child of John and Lizzie, according to the 1900 census he was born in September 1897 and shown again with Lizzie in the 1910 census at age twelve.  Leon was shown in the 1920 census with his mother at age twenty-two.  There is a John J. Christensen of Idyllwilde, California in Lizzie’s obituary, and it appears that this is the same person – given the age and location of the various entries through the years.


Leon is shown in marriage records in Jackson County, Oklahoma in 1921 showing a marriage between himself and Velma Harris.  Leon is shown as age 23, a bookkeeper in Santa Cruz, California.  His mother is shown as Mrs. Lizzie Bramlett (sic), also of Santa Cruz, California.  Velma is shown as 19, a student, a resident of Altus, Jackson County, Oklahoma.  Her father is shown as B. F. Harris of Headrick, Oklahoma.  They are shown as married on June 11, 1921 at Headrick.


There is a birth record in California for Leon John Christensen, born on September 25, 1924 in California, with his mother’s maiden name as Harris.  This matches the marriage record above, and the Leon shown with his father as 15 in 1940.  He is shown as having died in Riverside on July 30, 1997.


There is a birth certificate for Edith May Christiansen, born in San Francisco on July 21, 1928.  Her mother’s maiden name was listed as Leone.


Leon is shown in the 1929 San Francisco City Directory as a clerk at 960 Fulton, with his wife listed as Margaret Christensen.


There is a Leon J. Christensen in the 1930 census in Larkspur City, San Rafael Township, Marin County, California in an entry taken on April 12, 1930.  Leon is shown as 32, born in Oklahoma with both his parents born in Oklahoma, superintendent of a hoisting machine factory; with Margaret R., wife, 21, none as her occupation, born in California with both her parents born in California; and Edith, daughter, one year eight months, born in California with both her parents born in California (sic).  Leon is shown as having been thirty at his marriage and Margaret is shown as having been age eighteen at the time of her marriage.


Leon J. Christensen is shown in Orange County marriage records as having married O. Hazel Draper on April 22, 1936.  Leon is shown as a resident of 204 West Massachusetts in Hawthorne, California, 38, a hydraulic mechanic, divorced, born in Oklahoma, with his father listed as Walter Christensen and his mother as Lizzie Virgil (sic), both shown as born in Illinois; and O. Hazel Draper, resident of 3729 W. 105th St., Los Angeles, 38, divorced, born in Washington, none as her occupation, her father Oliver Hall, born in Indiana and her mother as Anne Houtz, born in Kansas.


In the 1940 census Leon J. Christensen is shown as in Inglewood Township, Los Angeles County, California, in an entry taken on April 8, 1940.  Shown is Leon J. Christensen, 42, born in Oklahoma, occupation electric welding at the airport; with Leon J., son, 15, born in California; Edith M., daughter, 12, born in California; and Marie A. Draper, 18, step-daughter, born in Idaho.


There is a Leon J. Christensen in the Riverside National Cemetery, showing he was born on September 25, 1924 and died on Jul 30, 1997.  There is a military service reference of PHM2, US NAVY.  His service start date is listed as March 31, 1942.  In the social security index, his last payment was listed as to Cathedral City, and he got his card before 1951 in California.  In the California death index his mother’s maiden name was listed as Harris.  This matches the age of the Leon J. child shown in the 1940 census.


Marie Christensen (Thrash) – third oldest child of John and Lizzie, shown with her mother in the 1910 census at age nine.  Marie was shown in the 1920 census with her mother at age nineteen.  She is shown in Lizzie’s 1950 obituary as Marie Thrash of Santa Cruz. 


Marie Thrash is shown with Sylvan L. Thrash in the 1936 Santa Cruz City Directory, as 25 Garfield.


Sylvan Thrash is shown in the California death index as born in Texas on October 7, 1901 and died in Santa Cruz County, California on July 23, 1975.


Marie is listed in the California death index as Maree H. Thrash born August 25, 1901 in Oklahoma and died on March 30, 1979 in Santa Clara County, California.


I met with her grandson and his wife in Santa Cruz a few years ago and shared information.  They had some of the same family photos from Kansas that I had.


Leroy Christensen – fourth oldest child of John and Lizzie, shown with his mother in the 1910 census at age seven, suggesting a birth about 1903.